What Are You Struggling With?
What’s going on? What are you having problems with? Is it Facebook Pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, your web site, your email newsletter or something else?
What’s going on? What are you having problems with? Is it Facebook Pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, your web site, your email newsletter or something else?
So far, we’ve looked at why we should be using email marketing, how to collect addresses and generating content, now we need to look at how to get your message out to your SCUBA customers.
To fully optimize your use of social media, you have to look at it as a funnel. The large, open end of the funnel is your social media presence. It is your job to drive traffic from all of those sources into the small end of the funnel. That small end of the funnel can be a class, a product or a group of products. The bigger the large end of the funnel, the more traffic you can drive your way. In other words, the more social media accounts you have, the larger your funnel.
With the new Google Caffeine update, your SCUBA business web site ranking may have been impacted. Learn how to reliably check and find out the one key tool to keep your site ranking regardless of Google changes. Plus, automatic updates if your site goes down.
New SCUBA divers are bad SCUBA divers, so we don’t want ’em. A typical catch-22, but one I hear on popular SCUBA forums and being discussed on the DEMA floor, especially in regards to PADI’s alleged “loose standards”. “I Teach Above Standards” I hear this all the time. I’ve even heard it, then observed below-standards…
At what point on the SCUBA food chain do people need to start connecting? As a SCUBA instructor, dive center or SCUBA certification agency, we encourage divers to find buddies to go diving with, but do we need even more connection, and if so, where? The Suunto Example Yesterday, I was discussing the beta version…
Just out of my own curiosity, how many people did you certify last year? Please use your personal numbers, not for your entire dive center (that poll will come later) or certification agency. [polldaddy poll=2517735]