Welcome to 2015

Welcome to 2015

Read on to see what’s in store to help you market your business in 2015.

Looking Back at 2013 & Forward to 2014

Looking Back at 2013 & Forward to 2014

I take a brief look back at the goals I had set for myself for 2013 and set goals for 2014. Sharing our goals helps to keep us accountable, here are mine. Did you hit your 2013 goals? What goals do you have for 2014?

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

I’m stepping out of the direct-help side of the site, but have a great resource for you to get one-on-one help with any online marketing.

PADI Rebreather Clip Leaves More Questions Than Answers

PADI Rebreather Clip Leaves More Questions Than Answers

The video below has been making the rounds in the last few days. While I’m personally excited to see the new rebreather programs (big shock, Nick likes technology), this video is a little perplexing. The title and video itself suggest it’s a clip from something, but what? The instructional video or just marketing material? Who…

Weekly Links #4: Better Late Than Never Edition

Weekly Links #4: Better Late Than Never Edition

It already feels like next Friday! Talk about nuts around the ol’ SCUBA Marketing HQ, people are really starting to get in gear with their online marketing for their SCUBA business and we’re responding to more emails, tweets and other messages than ever. Enough with the jibber jabber, here’s some links I found interesting and…

Weekly Links #3

Weekly Links #3

It’s been a busy week at New SCUBA Marketing Global Headquarters! Tons of projects, learning all kinds of fun new things and getting some cool new stuff ready for you very soon. So here’s a few links I think you’ll be interested in reading: Local Since I did a terrible job of cross posting my…

Weekly Links #1

Weekly Links #1

I’m trying something new here. Each week, I’ll share a few links to sites/articles I found interesting. Not necessarily enough to write about in a way that relates to our industry, but still worth sharing. Marketing Since you know I like my email newsletters, here’s 4 Reasons to Build an Email List Even in 2011….

Setting Realistic Expectations

I’ve been very, very bad. I disappeared on you for far too long. The really stupid part was I really should have just let everyone know I’d be gone all summer. I live in a place where summer is far too short. A short summer means all of my camping, hiking, concert-going, BBQ’s and all…

Friday Fun Dive: Sharktopus

Just when you thought it was safe to get in the water, someone talked SyFy into paying for this cheesy made for TV movie.

Popular Science: SCUBA For Fun

Friday Fun Dive

Go on a Friday Fun Dive! This week, we look at the now-online searchable archives of Popular Science.