Digital Sharecropping is Still Bad

Digital Sharecropping is Still Bad

Stop wasting time generating content that could benefit your business by digital sharecropping on another platform. Learn what “digital sharecropping” is, why it’s a complete waste of time, and how to build a better strategy without it.

Web site for free

Your Open Water Course Should Be Free

The trend from organizations like PADI & DEMA is to tell their members not to invest in their most important marketing channel: your website. Is this a responsible lesson? If you think your site should be free, is there a chance your customers may think your courses should be free?

The Importance of Page Speed

The Importance of Page Speed

Page speed for your SCUBA web site is incredibly important both for users and search engines. Learn more & get a free audit of your site.


SCUBA Blog Ultimate Walkthrough

SCUBA Blogs generate more traffic (and more business) than most traditional SCUBA web sites we’ve seen. But we understand the process to get started can be intimidating. We’re about to launch an amazing newsletter to help remove those difficulties.

Basic Search Engine Optimization for Your SCUBA Web Site

Basic Search Engine Optimization for Your SCUBA Web Site

While a SCUBA business or independent SCUBA instructor doesn’t need to be a Search Engine Optimization expert, knowing some of the basics can dramatically increase your business with very little effort or expense. Learn some of the basic terminology when discussing SEO.

Beware Budding Bloggers

Beware Budding Bloggers

Sorry, the title is a little dramatic 🙂 I just wanted to give you a heads up that ProBlogger has released a new eBook called ProBlogger’s Guide to Your First Week of Blogging. It’s half off for the next week, so if you’re interested in how to fast-start your blogging adventure, now is the time to…

RSS And You

RSS And You

A friend on Twitter asks about how a SCUBA professional can best utilize RSS. Although there are many technical possibilities, they can be condensed into consumption and distribution of information.