Pile of gold coins

What's Social Media Worth to You?

It seems like it must be a New Year’s resolution for people in the SCUBA diving industry to finally get in the game with social media, especially Facebook and Twitter.

I’ve had quite a few people inquire as to hiring me to manage social media for their dive center and the honest truth right now is I’m a little too busy to take anything like that on.

What are they pointing at?

Are you #1?

When someone goes to Google and searches for “scuba your geographic area”, are you number 1 in the results?

Did you realize that the number 1 result gets over 56% of the clicks? Number 2 only gets roughly 13%, number 3 gets less than 10% and it just goes down from there.

SPAM: Free Samples

SCUBA Email Marketing Gone Wrong

Email marketing, when done correctly, can be one of the largest returns on investment for your SCUBA business. When done wrong, it can make you look unprofessional and place you in gray areas of the US Federal CAN SPAM Act. Continue reading for two examples of great email newsletters that make a couple of minor mistakes.

The Old School

The Internet is Old School

Modern online tools can be intimidating. However, they are simply innovations on tools that have existed for many years. If you can allow yourself to think beyond the confusion of the latest Facebook update or Twitter app and instead think of these as simple tools that have been around for some time, you can put their power to work for your SCUBA business.

Turning Twitter Data into Decision Making Information

Turning Twitter Data into Decision Making Information

Do you know just how powerful Twitter really is? I found it difficult to believe that the marketing machine known as PADI isn’t giving dive retailers and professionals the best recommendations for using social media. At DEMA, PADI was there giving a presentation on marketing with social media. So let me show you how you can start utilizing Twitter to it’s fullest potential.

2011 Goals

2011 Goals

To finish off the year, it’s time to look towards next year to set some concrete goals. New SCUBA Marketing Post at least once per week. I fell behind this year due both to work and personal issues, but this year I’m fully in the swing of the day job and the personal stuff should…

2010 in Review

2010 in Review

I like to take some time at the end of each year to reflect back on the year. 2010 has been a very interesting year for me. New SCUBA Marketing For this site, 2010 was the first full year. Traffic is growing steadily, Facebook Fans have grown, Twitter followers have grown and RSS and email…

Top 10 Articles of 2010

Top 10 Articles of 2010

To begin my year-end recap, I wanted to share the top 10 SCUBA Marketing articles of 2010: Mares Icon HD the iPhone of Dive Computers? Vintage SCUBA Advertisements PADI Member Forum 2010 Review 4 Reasons the iPad Isn’t Ideal for SCUBA Instruction SCUBA Email Marketing: Collecting Email Addresses Your Next Student Will Become a SCUBA…

Birthday Candles

Happy Festivus!

It’s that time of year again. Many of you may be taking time off to spend with family. We’re into the last few days of this 2010. It’s my birthday today, my sister had hers a couple of days ago then there are family events through the weekend, add work and life on top of…

Reviewing the Traffic Funnel

To fully optimize your use of social media, you have to look at it as a funnel. The large, open end of the funnel is your social media presence. It is your job to drive traffic from all of those sources into the small end of the funnel. That small end of the funnel can be a class, a product or a group of products. The bigger the large end of the funnel, the more traffic you can drive your way. In other words, the more social media accounts you have, the larger your funnel.