Weekly Links #2

Weekly Links #2

Last week we started a new series where we share some interesting reads across a few different topics. Good enough to read, not necessarily worth regurgitating here. Here are the links for this week.

Buttons Buttons Everywhere

Buttons Buttons Everywhere

There’s a ton of new buttons available across several social networks, including the new Google +1 and we’ve already gone through the headache of adding them to several sites. See what we’ve done and why (aside from being crazy).

Weekly Links #1

Weekly Links #1

I’m trying something new here. Each week, I’ll share a few links to sites/articles I found interesting. Not necessarily enough to write about in a way that relates to our industry, but still worth sharing. Marketing Since you know I like my email newsletters, here’s 4 Reasons to Build an Email List Even in 2011….

Email Newsletter Review: Urban Dive

Email Newsletter Review: Urban Dive

You don’t need to be a graphic designer to send your first email newsletter for your SCUBA business. Thanks to a volunteer, we take a look at some highlights as well as areas we can all work on when sending our email newsletters.

Basic Search Engine Optimization for Your SCUBA Web Site

Basic Search Engine Optimization for Your SCUBA Web Site

While a SCUBA business or independent SCUBA instructor doesn’t need to be a Search Engine Optimization expert, knowing some of the basics can dramatically increase your business with very little effort or expense. Learn some of the basic terminology when discussing SEO.

Beware Budding Bloggers

Beware Budding Bloggers

Sorry, the title is a little dramatic 🙂 I just wanted to give you a heads up that ProBlogger has released a new eBook called ProBlogger’s Guide to Your First Week of Blogging. It’s half off for the next week, so if you’re interested in how to fast-start your blogging adventure, now is the time to…

Does Silence Make You Uncomfortable?

Does Silence Make You Uncomfortable?

Online SCUBA marketing can be time consuming and Twitter can be confusing (or appear pointless) to many, so there’s a natural tendency to automate your online marketing. A little goes a long way, so learn by example of what NOT to do.

RSS And You

RSS And You

A friend on Twitter asks about how a SCUBA professional can best utilize RSS. Although there are many technical possibilities, they can be condensed into consumption and distribution of information.