Why Do You Dive?

If I can teach you one thing about SCUBA marketing, hopefully it is this: Use your passion, whatever it is, to excite others. I’ve shown people how to use Facebook and they think it is one of the most worthless tools on the planet. Then, several months later, I see them again and they love…

Learn from PADI and DEMA

Learn from PADI and DEMA

Even some of the biggest names in the SCUBA Industry, companies and organizations you may imagine have people on payroll to conduct their online marketing are failing. NOTE: This is intended to give you hope through examples, not to make anyone appear to be inadequate at what they do. The online marketing arena is constantly…

You Are Planning To Fail

You Are Planning To Fail

Like the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” So how does your SCUBA marketing plan stand up? Don’t have one? Why am I not surprised. At least as a PADI Master Instructor, I know that there isn’t a point before the Course Director application where you have to create any…

A money tree

So You Want Your SCUBA Web Site to be Found…

Word of mouth advertising is an excellent business builder, especially for a local business such as a SCUBA dive center, resort or independent instructor. However, if you could plant a seed for a money tree, why wouldn’t you? Your web site can be that money tree. The costs to deploy can be incredibly low, the…

SCUBA Marketing Accomplishments

People who know me know that I’m not the chest-thumping, bold-statement-making kind of person, I’m just personally very happy about the accomplishments we’ve made as a community so far. I’ve had the domain name for roughly 4 weeks. Just some highlights: For my primary search term, in Google, the various properties surrounding this site rank…

Understanding the SCUBA Marketing Comment System

Understanding the SCUBA Marketing Comment System

Think I’m full of it? Want to let everyone know you think I’m full of it? Or maybe you actually like what I said about SCUBA Marketing, have an interesting story to share or just want to see your name on the interwebz, all you need to do is comment! How to Use Comments For…

Building Your SCUBA Email Marketing List

In order to email someone, one of the key components you must have is their email address. There are a variety of ways to obtain email addresses, some right, some very wrong, so I’ll go over how to build your email list.  I consider this one of the first steps before starting any design or…

Reviews Coming Soon

Reviews Coming Soon

I will be launching reviews here on New SCUBA Marketing very soon. Sure, it seems like every SCUBA web site has reviews on it, but mine will be a little different. SCUBA Marketing Reviews Yes, you guessed it. I will be reviewing the marketing of others. Web sites, blogs, social network profiles, online ads, publications,…

Introduction to Email Marketing for SCUBA

Introduction to Email Marketing for SCUBA

It came as a bit of a surprise to me, but the results of the recent survey had email marketing as the number one most requested topic by a decent margin. I was surprised not because I don’t think it’s insanely valuable (it wouldn’t have been on the list if I didn’t), but because most…

Preaching to the Choir

Preaching to the Choir

New Divers Our industry needs new divers. So why is the majority of our marketing to existing divers? We invite our past students to tent sales. We advertise in SCUBA magazines.  We market our next class in our current class. Dive equipment manufacturers setup booths at DEMA.  But I rarely see any advertising attempting to…