Market Your SCUBA Business like Pearl Jam

Pearl Jam has been around since 1990, has sold an estimated 60 million records worldwide and has been called “the most popular American rock & roll band of the ‘90s” by Allmusic. Instead of attempting to manage an album release across every online outlet available, they used one very effectively and you can too. Although I…

Recruiting Independent SCUBA Instructors

Do you run a SCUBA diving center, resort or large instructional program? Are you actively recruiting independent instructors? If not, you’re missing the boat. The SCUBA industry frequently appears to have a closed door policy. Many dive centers I have visited appear to only work with SCUBA instructors that have “grown up” through their program….

Technorati Claim

Although I don’t see the value in Technorati claims as much as I used to, I still think it is worthwhile to claim my site. So this post is purely for the purposes of completing this little project. Not much to see here, sorry 🙂 khdtcf846n

Building a List of SCUBA Blogs

I’m building a list. I’m checking it twice (for duplicates and spam). It’s a list of SCUBA blogs! Why I Want Your SCUBA Blog I’m not going to start scraping your site or publicly critiquing you (unless you want that), I just want to make sure I’ve found all of the best SCUBA blogs out…

3 Reasons Why SCUBA Diving Sucks

I’m just kidding, SCUBA diving doesn’t suck. Of all the various activities I’ve tried (skiing, snowboarding, bungee jumping, zip lining, sailing and too many more to mention), I will always come back to SCUBA. I’ve never had a bad dive. I believe something can be learned from every dive we make, it’s our responsibility to…


No, I didn’t just spill my alphabet soup on the keyboard. I’m talking about Return On Investment (ROI) of Social Media Marketing (SM). All SCUBA Marketing Must Be Quantifiable I agree completely. It’s my finance degree coming out. So go ahead and tell me how many customers your phone line has brought in. How many…

Do You Know What THEY Are Saying About You?

What happens when you Google your SCUBA diving business? Is it good, bad or nonexistent? You want to be found, but you don’t want the results to be negative. The best way to stay on top of yourself or select terms is by using Google Alerts. It’s very easy to setup, just go to Google…

Setting Realistic Expectations

I have always been a firm believer in setting realistic expectations. I want you to have realistic expectations for this site. Why I’m Doing This I’m doing this because I love SCUBA. I love SCUBA diving. I also know that to build the SCUBA diving industry, there need to be local dive centers and resorts…

SCUBA Marketing Review #1

For my first review on the site here, I have decided to indulge in one of my pet peeves. Today, I’ll be reviewing The DEMA Show’s Facebook presence. I love the DEMA Show, don’t get me wrong, I really wish I could attend this year. This is not intended as malice or ill-will, just an…

We’re in Alltop!

This is just a minor thing, but SCUBA Marketing has been listed on Alltop. Alltop brings together the best content for specific topics so you can see what’s going on all in one place. So we are now nestled in there with some other excellent SCUBA blogs, getting the good word about SCUBA out there….