DEMA Show 2010 Las Vegas Day 3

DEMA Show 2010 Las Vegas Day 3

Sorry about the delay in finishing this series, the life of a professional Social Media Marketer goes a little nuts over the holidays. Plus I had some weird iPad issue that lost this article and the next one, so I’ve had to re-create from notes. Friday was probably the best day so far with several…

DEMA Show 2010 Las Vegas Day 4

Sorry about the delay in finishing this series, the life of a professional Social Media Marketer goes a little nuts over the holidays. Plus I had some weird iPad issue that lost this article and the next one, so I’ve had to re-create from notes. The last day. Finally. I’ve been in this town far…

DEMA Show 2010 Las Vegas Day 2

DEMA Show 2010 Las Vegas Day 2

Another long day down, six seminars and an after party behind me. My feet are holding up great, my technology choices for this trip are working splendidly and I got two killer stickers for my water bottle (thanks Princeton Tec!) Some Things I Liked PADI has revamped and expanded their rebreather training which looks pretty…

DEMA Show 2010 Las Vegas Day 1

DEMA Show 2010 Las Vegas Day 1

Ah, the first full day in lovely Las Vegas, Nevada. For those of you who don’t know, I’m not a big fan of this city. I don’t gamble, I haven’t been drinking lately (except for very special occasions, sorry, this isn’t it) and I’m fresh out of sin these days. The only reason what happens…

Sanctum SSI

Mass Media Exposure for the SCUBA Industry

Over a year ago, I mentioned how Sea Hunt was available on Hulu. Back then, I lamented: we haven’t seen any type of underwater television series since 1996, almost 15 years. I’ve since had the discussion several times wishing there would be some great exposure for SCUBA in the mass media. Fast forward a year,…

Setting Realistic Expectations

I’ve been very, very bad. I disappeared on you for far too long. The really stupid part was I really should have just let everyone know I’d be gone all summer. I live in a place where summer is far too short. A short summer means all of my camping, hiking, concert-going, BBQ’s and all…

Friday Fun Dive: Sharktopus

Just when you thought it was safe to get in the water, someone talked SyFy into paying for this cheesy made for TV movie.

Gulf State SCUBA Needs Help

The Gulf of Mexico has been hit hard by the BP oil spill. However, SCUBA diving remains safe, but we – as an industry – need to get the word out. The attempt by DEMA is a great start, but now it’s time for all of us to do what we can.

Getting Hacked Happens

Getting Hacked Happens

Being hacked is not fun, but for many is inevitable, even for us web developers. Use strong/unique passwords and always make a backup (or ten).

Market your SCUBA classes like an iPhone 4

Despite the obvious differences in businesses, it is valuable to look at leaders from other industries to gain some additional marketing insights. Apple is one of many companies that has built an almost fanatical customer base that your SCUBA business should be more than happy to emulate.