SCUBA Email Marketing: Generating Content

Email marketing is incredibly powerful and, now that you know how to collect email addresses, it’s time to generate some content. Generating content for your newsletter should be the easiest part of this process.

Your SCUBA Business is Busy

I don’t care what you may think about the economy, your business (as long as you’re running a real SCUBA business) is busy. You’re teaching classes, getting new equipment and going on dive trips. This is all content for your newsletter.

Give ‘Em What They Want

Your email newsletter subscribers gave you their address because they want to hear from you! So tell them everything going on with your SCUBA business. Independent SCUBA instructors, stores and dive resorts can all do this!

Tip for the Independent SCUBA Instructors

If you are an independent instructor and don’t have as much activity as a store, another great place to get content is from the Internet. Share articles you find interesting. This creates a personal connection between you and your students.

A great place to start is by subscribing to our list of SCUBA blogs.

Content Length

I haven’t seen any real scientific studies discussing the perfect length of your emails, but I like to keep mine short – no more than 2 pages when printed, preferably 1. People have short attention spans and are inundated with email, so being brief works to your advantage.

I also strongly recommend only sharing an intro to your content via email and linking out to the full article (preferably your blog). This not only keeps your emails even shorter, but it provides an excellent tracking opportunity we’ll discuss later.

I Can’t Write

If you can read, you can write. If you can operate a computer to read this article, you can hit the spell check button. That’s good enough for most people. If you really have a phobia of writing your own unique articles, use the method described above for independent instructors and just share information you find interesting.

What kinds of content do you share in your email newsletter?

Photo via churl

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