Reminder Call

This is just a reminder of the few ongoing things that you can take part in. DEMA Show 2009 If you’re going to DEMA Show 2009 and want to chat, please let me know. SCUBA Blogs If you have no idea what RSS is or don’t have a complete list of SCUBA Blogs to read,…

SCUBA Equipment Manufacturers: What Are YOU Doing to Reach Non-Divers?

I hope we can all admit that marketing to existing SCUBA diving individuals is low hanging fruit. SCUBA diving stores and independent SCUBA instructors are constanty working to find non-divers, but why aren’t the manufacturers doing anything? Where Has Cross Promotion Gone? I remember years ago being told one of the benefits of DEMA and…

The 80′s Called, They Want Your Web Site Back

I’ve been browsing far too many SCUBA store web sites lately. They all look like they were designed for Prodigy and Compuserve and haven’t been updated since. Ever Heard of the Internet? It’s a place where more and more consumers are going to find businesses, book trips, buy things and engage. Designing a professional SCUBA web site…

How Can I Help Your SCUBA Marketing?

It’s that time again for ME to ask YOU what you want. Take a moment to complete the brief survey below so I can provide you with the content you are most interested in.  Thanks! Take the survey!

DEMA or Bust

In what I consider to be a last minute decision, I will be attending this year’s DEMA conference in Orlando, Florida. I was approved for a media pass, so I’ll be covering the event here on New SCUBA Marketing. Let’s Make This Fun I plan on attending all of the various SCUBA marketing seminars, plus…

Kids Sea Camp Palau & Reputation Management

Kids Sea Camp Palau & Reputation Management

I’m not taking sides in this issue since only one side has been represented so far, but Kids Sea Camp Palau gives me a great example of the lack of understanding of online reputation management for many businesses. As of the writing of this article, 18 hours ago a patron of Kids Sea Camp Palau…

Unified Dive Industry? I wish.

I was sorting through some articles I had prepped and ready to go, trying to figure out which would be best when a petition for a unified dive industry hit my feed reader. I haven’t had time to research the background on this petition, but I will fully admit my ears are perked just at…

Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change

Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change

From their site: Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. Our aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion. This years theme is Climate Change. For those of you who don’t believe in global warming, feel free to…

Do You Secretly Fear SCUBA Continuing Education?

Does the idea of a horde of Divemasters becoming Open Water SCUBA Instructors frighten you more than a gory zombie flick? Do new SCUBA divers saying they want to “go pro” creep you out more than Pee Wee Herman? SCUBA Dive Center Owners Fear Con Ed More Than Frankenstein* If there are more SCUBA diving…

Buying SCUBA Gear Isn’t Local

With airline baggage restrictions, are your SCUBA divers slowing their SCUBA equipment purchases in favor of just renting SCUBA gear at their destination? Are only your die-hard SCUBA divers buying more and more gear? SCUBA Equipment IS Local Your dive center is where your SCUBA diver comes to look and touch the gear they are…