The World of Social Media 2011
Too bad this didn’t come out before DEMA otherwise we would all have seen it in Jason and PADI’s seminars 🙂
Too bad this didn’t come out before DEMA otherwise we would all have seen it in Jason and PADI’s seminars 🙂
Email marketing is incredibly powerful and, now that you know how to collect email addresses, it’s time to generate some content. Generating content for your newsletter should be the easiest part of this process.
Is Facebook, Twitter, Search Engine Optimization or something else more important for your dive center? Learn some data analysis to find the answers and focus your efforts.
Do you run a SCUBA diving center, resort or large instructional program? Are you actively recruiting independent instructors? If not, you’re missing the boat. The SCUBA industry frequently appears to have a closed door policy. Many dive centers I have visited appear to only work with SCUBA instructors that have “grown up” through their program….
I want to take a moment to introduce myself and further explain my goals for this new community. My name is Nick Bostic and I am a PADI Master Instructor. Before all of you NAUI, SSI, YMCA and any other certification agency instructors or dive shops hit your browser’s back button, stay with me for…
Last week we started a new series where we share some interesting reads across a few different topics. Good enough to read, not necessarily worth regurgitating here. Here are the links for this week.
In my effort to return to the starting point of Internet Marketing for your SCUBA business, a gift fell into my lap in the form of a prime example of why we need to include Internet marketing in our business plan. Over in the DiversOne Forum, there is a discussion regarding Oceanic getting into the…