SCUBA Marketing Goals for 2010

Soccer Goal
It's true, I played soccer before I got into SCUBA

Following up on yesterday’s post reflecting on 2009, it’s time to share my goals for 2010. By sharing with you, I hope to stay accountable and on track.

SCUBA Marketing Goals

  • Determine if it’s “twenty-ten” or “two thousand ten” πŸ˜€
  • Write at least 150 articles
  • Create 3 brief “how-to” guides on internet marketing for SCUBA instructors
  • Double whatever traffic ends up being for December by April
  • Publish a monthly email newsletter that has different content than the site
  • Use more video
  • Get page load time below 2 seconds (currently at 5.9 seconds)
  • Help at least 5 people move closer to living a sustainable life in the SCUBA industry
  • Launch my big new surprise by the end of February at the latest (sorry, can’t share everything)

SCUBA Instructor Goals

  • Certify at least 20 Digital Underwater Photographers
  • Personally certify at least 60 students
  • Build programs large enough to sustain my current staff
  • Certify 3 Emergency First Response Instructors
  • Accomplish two giant SCUBA goals (again, can’t share everything πŸ˜€ )

What are your SCUBA goals for 2010?

Photo via espresso marco

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