clint seeley and jason pecknold

Introducing Clint & Jason

Jason Pecknold & Clint Seeley bring their dive industry marketing expertise to the New SCUBA Marketing team, come meet the new guys!

Looking Back at 2013 & Forward to 2014

Looking Back at 2013 & Forward to 2014

I take a brief look back at the goals I had set for myself for 2013 and set goals for 2014. Sharing our goals helps to keep us accountable, here are mine. Did you hit your 2013 goals? What goals do you have for 2014?



What you can expect for the rest of 2013 on New SCUBA Marketing, plus how to get help with your SCUBA marketing.

Plans for 2013

Plans for 2013

2013 is going to be a big year for me in the world of social media marketing in the diving and outdoor industries. Come learn my plans.

Changes: Part 2

Changes: Part 2

Yeah, the look and feel is different. More on that in Changes: Part 19 😉 I seriously hope there isn’t a Part 19, but that’s the way it feels some days. Things Need to Change We’ve got veterans who proclaim to be internet pro’s who have 20 Twitter accounts retweeting themselves all day. We’ve got…

Changes: Part 1

While it may be a month behind normal people, it’s never too late to evaluate and set resolutions!

Contest Update

Contest Update

Technical difficulties mean an extension to our contest. Please read to see if you’re entry is impacted and to learn the new deadline and winner announcement dates.

Buttons Buttons Everywhere

Buttons Buttons Everywhere

There’s a ton of new buttons available across several social networks, including the new Google +1 and we’ve already gone through the headache of adding them to several sites. See what we’ve done and why (aside from being crazy).