Quick Tip: Read Your Content

Quick Tip: Read Your Content

Proofreading your SCUBA blog content doesn’t stop once you publish it. It’s vitally important to know it looks professional via every distribution tool you are using to promote your SCUBA business.

Just Do It™

Just Do It™

We answer the following question: I have the 60-95 minutes per day to commit to social media, but i am interested to hear if you have more specific suggestions for an equipment manufacturer , like us, who want to use that time to effectively reach the target market for our products

Facebook Like Hand

Facebook Basics for your SCUBA Business

While I consistently see more SCUBA businesses spread their brand onto Facebook, many are still misunderstanding one of the first and most basic fundamentals: the difference between a Page and a Profile. Understand how to identify each and learn which you should start with.

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UPDATE: Testing Facebook Comments

Our adventure from yesterday exploring Facebook Comments on a WordPress site was far from over. If you’re using a Multisite install, you may run into some problems. Read on to find out more (if you’re so technically inclined).

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Testing Facebook Comments

We’re trying something new here at SCUBA Marketing: Facebook Comments. I’ll cover the pro’s and con’s of this exciting new tool for your SCUBA blog.

Social Media Time Management for the SCUBA Industry

Social Media Time Management for the SCUBA Industry

Social media marketing for the SCUBA industry takes time. I’ll show you two examples covering both extreme ends of the spectrum of time management for social media and how you can beat your competition in roughly 90 minutes per day.

I Hate Direct Mail

I Hate Direct Mail

I really hate direct mail. It has virtually no business in your SCUBA business. Learn about the few instances when direct mail can be beneficial for your business and why you should try to avoid it. Plus, a much better alternative is offered.

Footprints in sand

SCUBA Blogging: A Starting Point

Switching to a SCUBA blog for your dive industry web site can be intimidating, but with this simple tip you can make the switch effortlessly. Face your apprehension and get a web presence that ranks quickly and keeps your divers coming back.

New SCUBA Marketing Screen shot

Anatomy of a Refresh

New SCUBA Marketing recently underwent a refresh from top to bottom. If you’re reading this in an email or feedreader, click through to check out the changes. The goals for the change include focuses on simplification, ease of use and providing my visitors with a service.

The Times They Are A-Changin'

The Times They Are A-Changin'

New SCUBA Marketing gets a refresh from hosting to our design. There may be some hiccups during the move, so hang in there. I’ll be discussing the changes within the next few days.