Updated List of SCUBA Blogs

I’ve updated the OPML file for the master list of SCUBA blogs. Thank you all for your submissions. If you want to get in on the next round, help me build a list of SCUBA blogs.

One important note: I’m looking for real blogs. Twitter accounts and Facebook Pages, although they have RSS feeds, are not blogs. Sorry if this inconveniences anyone, but I’ll be teaching you how to set up a blog very soon.

In case you don’t remember how to import the OPML file or what Google Reader is, be sure to check out my original article discussing SCUBA blogs.

If you’re still wondering why blogs are important (you must be new here πŸ˜€ ), even the Pope wants priests and church leaders to blog.

Google Reader is the only way I’m able to stay up to date with all of this information:

Here’s the OPML file to help you get kick-started reading other SCUBA blogs from around the world: [download id=”1″]

Depending on your browser, you may need to right-click and choose a “save link as” option.

Photo via Sue Waters

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