Just Do It™

Just Do It™

We answer the following question: I have the 60-95 minutes per day to commit to social media, but i am interested to hear if you have more specific suggestions for an equipment manufacturer , like us, who want to use that time to effectively reach the target market for our products

Facebook Like Hand

Facebook Basics for your SCUBA Business

While I consistently see more SCUBA businesses spread their brand onto Facebook, many are still misunderstanding one of the first and most basic fundamentals: the difference between a Page and a Profile. Understand how to identify each and learn which you should start with.

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Testing Facebook Comments

We’re trying something new here at SCUBA Marketing: Facebook Comments. I’ll cover the pro’s and con’s of this exciting new tool for your SCUBA blog.

Social Media Time Management for the SCUBA Industry

Social Media Time Management for the SCUBA Industry

Social media marketing for the SCUBA industry takes time. I’ll show you two examples covering both extreme ends of the spectrum of time management for social media and how you can beat your competition in roughly 90 minutes per day.

The Old School

The Internet is Old School

Modern online tools can be intimidating. However, they are simply innovations on tools that have existed for many years. If you can allow yourself to think beyond the confusion of the latest Facebook update or Twitter app and instead think of these as simple tools that have been around for some time, you can put their power to work for your SCUBA business.

Turning Twitter Data into Decision Making Information

Turning Twitter Data into Decision Making Information

Do you know just how powerful Twitter really is? I found it difficult to believe that the marketing machine known as PADI isn’t giving dive retailers and professionals the best recommendations for using social media. At DEMA, PADI was there giving a presentation on marketing with social media. So let me show you how you can start utilizing Twitter to it’s fullest potential.

Fans or Groupies?

Your SCUBA business needs to be on Facebook, but which is most important (and what’s the difference) between Profiles, Groups and Pages?

Measuring Social Media Marketing Success

When marketing your SCUBA business online, Twitter followers, Facebook fans, email subscribers and blog comments mean nothing if you’re not converting any of it into business.