8 Months Per Year of Customer Abandonment
If your favorite restaurant had random hours and spotty service 8 months of the year, would you keep going back? Why is it okay to do this to divers?
If your favorite restaurant had random hours and spotty service 8 months of the year, would you keep going back? Why is it okay to do this to divers?
Stop wasting time generating content that could benefit your business by digital sharecropping on another platform. Learn what “digital sharecropping” is, why it’s a complete waste of time, and how to build a better strategy without it.
Help customers through negative social media feedback or complaints using the Feel, Felt, Found framework. Understand what consumers are really trying to accomplish when they complain online and how to turn a negative into a positive.
For a dive business in a highly competitive niche, online marketing is becoming more difficult and time consuming with each passing week.
Running an experiment using the scientific method will greatly benefit your experience managing a Facebook Page for your dive business.
Don’t look foolish by breaking the simple to follow rules for your Facebook Page Timeline Cover image!
Too bad this didn’t come out before DEMA otherwise we would all have seen it in Jason and PADI’s seminars 🙂
The latest video from Socialnomics shares statistics of social media, but drives home the main point: The ROI of social media is your business will still exist in 5 years
Google+ launched recently in a limited release. We investigate its potential value to SCUBA business professionals.
Online SCUBA marketing can be time consuming and Twitter can be confusing (or appear pointless) to many, so there’s a natural tendency to automate your online marketing. A little goes a long way, so learn by example of what NOT to do.