Do SCUBA Gear Manufacturers Need to Connect with the End User?

At what point on the SCUBA food chain do people need to start connecting? As a SCUBA instructor, dive center or SCUBA certification agency, we encourage divers to find buddies to go diving with, but do we need even more connection, and if so, where? The Suunto Example Yesterday, I was discussing the beta version…

Suunto Beta: Radical Redesign or Minor Facelift?

Suunto Beta: Radical Redesign or Minor Facelift?

Suunto is heavily promoting their new beta site they expect to launch in early 2010. The tactic of launching a “beta” site available to anyone is typically done for two purposes: Build hype by allowing visitors to see the hot new thing that’s “coming soon” Builds the ability to say “sorry, it’s still in beta”…

Google’s been busy (and I’m psychic)

Wednesday night I was boring my wife with my incoherent ramblings that Google was going to either destroy or take over Yelp. Thursday morning, it looks like Google is trying to buy Yelp. Why This is Important In case you’ve missed it, Google seems to like the concept of local search. This is perfect for…

Twitter sucks worse than a new diver in a current

I used to stand up for Twitter (not that they need it) when people claimed it was stupid and just a bunch of noise. I think many of us can agree, regardless of our presence on Twitter or not, that the SCUBA industry hasn’t been one of the early adopters of Twitter. It seems like…

The Definitive Online SCUBA Marketing Workflow

You are a PADI, SSI, SDI/TDI or NAUI independent instructor, work for a SCUBA certification agency or own your own SCUBA store, the basic work flow for marketing on todays internet will always start the same.* Step 1: Listen Like your SCUBA students listen to you during class, you need to listen to your market….

The Facts About Bottled Water

This is just a quickie, I have something far more SCUBA marketing related in the works for later, but it’s a topic that is important to me. I grew up in a house where we switched to bottled water when our part of town was moved to a different water supply source. I drank bottled…

No Whining Allowed

Seriously, I mean it, stop whining. You want to know how to increase your SCUBA business but you don’t want to do anything to increase your SCUBA business. That’s doesn’t make any sense. Recent Conversations I’ve had a few emails recently going back and forth with potential clients that go something like this: Them: I…

Soccer Goal

SCUBA Marketing Goals for 2010

Following up on yesterday’s post reflecting on 2009, it’s time to share my goals for 2010. By sharing with you, I hope to stay accountable and on track. SCUBA Marketing Goals Determine if it’s “twenty-ten” or “two thousand ten” 😀 Write at least 150 articles Create 3 brief “how-to” guides on internet marketing for SCUBA…

A Look Back at 2009

It’s time for my take on the overused yearly retrospective. Like many people, it has been a stressful year. However, I think it is important for all of us to look at where we have come from so we can better set up our goals for the future. For 2009 a few particular moments stick…

Tips for Teaching Digital Underwater Photography

Tips for Teaching Digital Underwater Photography

I had a surprisingly large number of people contact me after yesterdays article regarding digital underwater photography. The most common issue was that people didn’t understand the emphasis on photography in the pool. “Pools are boring” and “I don’t have my own pool that I can make exciting” were two recurring themes. Make Pool Photography…