What's Social Media Worth to You?

It seems like it must be a New Year’s resolution for people in the SCUBA diving industry to finally get in the game with social media, especially Facebook and Twitter. I’ve had quite a few people inquire as to hiring me to manage social media for their dive center and the honest truth right now is I’m a little too busy to take anything like that on. So busy I’ve actually been interviewing some people to help me out with things over here at New SCUBA Marketing. I’ll still be writing the content, but I’m looking to get someone to edit, help with images and engage on the social media front. I’m just curious, for those of you who believe in the importance of social media for your SCUBA business, what is it worth to you if you feel you don’t have time to do it yourself? What would you pay for someone to do the following:
- Monitor your business name on Twitter, blogs and forums and respond as needed
- Share your content (blog if you have it, but classes, trips, etc) on your Twitter account and Facebook Page
- Engage with your social media audience
- 3+ Twitter updates per day, 5 days a week
- 1+ Facebook Page post, 3 days per week
- Respond to comments on Facebook and messages on Twitter within 24 hours
- Organically grow your followers/fans through regular engagement
I have a good idea of what it’s worth to me, but I’m curious as to what professionals in the SCUBA industry think it’s worth. [polldaddy poll=4554470]
Photo via tao_zhyn