Is Underwater Digital Photography a Gateway Drug?

This is an article as part of our DEMA Expo 2009 round-up. At DEMA, underwater photography was one of the most popular topics. There were more camera-related booths than any other group. Plus, the SCUBA photography seminars were some of the most interactive I attended. Is Underwater Photography SCUBA’s Savior? Some people I spoke with would…

DEMA 2009 Attendance Report

Below is a table showing current and historic attendance data for the DEMA Expo as provided by DEMA. I have chosen to remove a couple of columns that don’t interest me that much, so if you want to see the complete table, please use the link below. Also, feel free to click on any column…

How do you greet your customers?

I always hating being told to smile when I answered the phone. I argued with my old sales manager and told him that was the dumbest thing I’d ever heard. I’m willing to admit it now, he was right. Do you smile when you answer the phone or when people walk through the door? Before…

Mandatory online tools for your SCUBA business

This is an article as part of our DEMA Expo 2009 round-up. The good news is, most of the online tools you will need for marketing your SCUBA business online are free and easy to use. The bad news is you have to set them all up. Surprisingly, most of the people I spoke to…

Understanding your SCUBA customer is key

In case you weren’t aware, I love internet marketing. It’s inexpensive, relatively easy and allows you to reach a almost limitless amount SCUBA diving customers. Like knowing to take off your snorkel on a manta night dive, you must be aware of your surroundings to be most effective with your SCUBA marketing. I was recently…

Happy Thanksgiving

I know Thanksgiving is a US holiday, but since I’m in the US, I’m celebrating it. Regardless of where you live, I encourage you to take the next few days away from your computers and enjoy life. Go SCUBA diving or just watch a movie, just get off your computer for a minute. I’m thankful…

SCUBA Standards Changes: Get Over It

New SCUBA divers are bad SCUBA divers, so we don’t want ’em. A typical catch-22, but one I hear on popular SCUBA forums and being discussed on the DEMA floor, especially in regards to PADI’s alleged “loose standards”. “I Teach Above Standards” I hear this all the time. I’ve even heard it, then observed below-standards…

What Your SCUBA Web Site Needs

What Your SCUBA Web Site Needs

While attending the DEMA Expo in Orlando, I sat in on a seminar regarding web design 101. I’ve been doing web design since before someone thought of adding a 101 to it, so I didn’t honestly expect too much out of it. Four Basic Buttons The single best recommendation that came out of the seminar…

A Branding Lesson From PADI and DEMA

A Branding Lesson From PADI and DEMA

Over the years, I have helped many small business owners establish their brand. Branding isn’t just about logo creation, it is creating awareness of a brand. The best part is branding can be done very inexpensively At the DEMA Show in Orlando, PADI and DEMA both represented excellent examples of effective branding. Blatant SCUBA Branding…