Guest Posting for Fun and Profit (Or Not)
Guest posting is a popular technique for search engine optimization, but many site owners are selling a false bill of goods. Understand the ins and outs.
Guest posting is a popular technique for search engine optimization, but many site owners are selling a false bill of goods. Understand the ins and outs.
Duane Johnson, founder of Precision Diving, shares his success tips for increasing your Twitter and Facebook following to increase your business exposure. As an independent SCUBA instructor, Duane has over 2,000 combined followers, so he knows what he’s talking about.
To fully optimize your use of social media, you have to look at it as a funnel. The large, open end of the funnel is your social media presence. It is your job to drive traffic from all of those sources into the small end of the funnel. That small end of the funnel can be a class, a product or a group of products. The bigger the large end of the funnel, the more traffic you can drive your way. In other words, the more social media accounts you have, the larger your funnel.
Google Local Search for your SCUBA business can be a free, quick and easy way to rank at the top of the search results for SCUBA in your area. Guest author David Greenhaw will walk you through the steps to get up and running quickly.
Marketing your Independent SCUBA Instructor business doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. David Greenhaw shows how he’s been able to do it using free tools.